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This project is part of the master course "Environmental Geology" at the University of Gothenburg. The course consists of a variety of lectures, seminars, field trips and is closing with a case study.

This work focusses on possible pollutants within soils in everyday surroundings. To get an overview of when pollution actually starts, how different pollutants behave and how average soil compositions are, a number of samples were taken to be analysed for this purpose.


The samples were supposed to be taken from a possible pollution site which was in this case 21 m profile along the "Geovetarcentrum" of the University. The nearby and relatively busy street with automobile, bus and tramway traffic functioned here as a source of possible solution. On the following pages the measurement methods, results and discussion of this project are documented.


What is this project about?

Location (dashed, red line) of the sampling along the Geovetenskap building

Google Maps

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